BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Nationally and here in Kentucky, 2024 is a major election year. In Bowling Green, Mayor Todd Alcott is running for reelection, and he’s already making several campaign promises. 

What You Need To Know

  • Bowling Green Mayor Todd Alcott is running for reelection in 2024

  • As Alcott makes his case for reelection, he’s turning his focus on the city’s infrastructure

  • Alcott also said he wants the government to be more transparent within the community

  • So far, Alcott has no challengers

For eight years, Alcott has been a teacher at Warren East High School. But in 2020, he added something new to his life. He still teaches during the day; however, by night, he serves as the mayor of Bowling Green.

“When I’m the school, we’re developing leaders," Alcott said. "When I’m in the community, we’re part of leadership.

"What better way to be an example to students than be a leader in the community?”

During the 2020 campaign, one of Alcott’s promises was to help small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. That promise was put to the test by the 2021 western Kentucky tornado.

“2021 was just, like, grab the bull by the horns, take care of people, try and lead your town through a disaster," he said. 

For months, the disaster was the mayor’s primary focus while working with other community leaders.

“The greatest part about it is that we didn’t have anyone concerned with getting credit," Alcott said. "We just had people concerned on how to get the job done.”

Alcott has not only helped small business with labor but also with their finances, he added. 

“We were able to pass an ordinance that gave them five years that they get back on their taxes, on building assessments and taxes on their occupational tax for their employees," he said. "That has helped our small businesses.”

As he makes his case for reelection, one of his focuses is on the city’s infrastructure. Alcott said he is prioritizing investing in the city's infrastructure, such as its greenways, and he wants to make sure it's balanced. 

"Bowling Green, right now, is the third largest city in Kentucky," he said. "We want to keep it as the third-largest and keep it as the fastest-growing but also keep that hometown feeling that everybody loves and knows.”

Alcott also said he wants the government to be more transparent within the community. 

"I want people to know that the government is really working for them, and it’s my job, I feel, to go and get that information out there," he said. 

So far, Alcott has no challengers. Election Day is Nov. 5.