LOUISVILLE, Ky. — There are currently 56 ‘No Kill’ animal shelters in Kentucky according to Best Friends, Save them All, a nonprofit working to save every pet from homelessness. 

What You Need To Know

  • No Kill Louisville's Animal Pet Angel Tree project helps about 25 area shelters and rescues

  • The nonprofit is accepting donations at around 45 different locations

  • People can donate supplies such as cat and dog food and treats, paper towels, bleach, fleece blankets, leashes and collars.

Inside the No Kill Louisville warehouse, there is evidence Christmas is near. The vice president of the nonprofit, Olivia Plath, is fluffing fake evergreens and unpacking Christmas decorations, which will soon be on display in about 45 businesses and organizations.

“We created this program because not only do we want to help pets, but we want to help the local rescues and local businesses as well,” Plath says. 

Plath began volunteering with No Kill Louisville approximately two years ago. The organization collaborates with local animal shelters to find animals a home with a loving family.

She is now helping the nonprofit put on the 13th No Kill Louisville’s Annual Pet Angel Tree project

“No kill shelters try their darndest to make every little life count. You don’t want to shade those who are kill shelters because they, they do the best they can do. But to be a no kill shelter takes time, effort and a whole lot of patience and love,” Plath explained.

The nonprofit is accepting supplies such as cat and dog food and treats, paper towels, bleach, fleece blankets, leashes and collars. The donations will then be distributed to 25 area shelters and rescues.

Plath says the nonprofit starts prepping for the project months in advance.

“When you’re putting the trees together, it is more of an art than a science. That’s what I love most about it. It doesn’t have to be exact. It’s just about what looks good and what feels good,” Plath shared.

Tags hang on the Christmas tree with what supplies are still needed. They are available for pick up at one of the over 45 locations.