LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) are beginning to return to work in Louisville this week, after the UAW announced it reached a tentative agreement on a new contract with Ford Motor Company.

What You Need To Know

  • Members of the UAW are beginning to return to work in Louisville after the union reached a tentative agreement with Ford Motor Company

  • Workers at the plant joined a strike earlier this month

  • UAW Vice President Chuck Browning said Wednesday that members at Ford will receive more in straight general wage over the next four and a half years than over the last 22 years combined

UAW Vice President Chuck Browning said Wednesday that members at Ford will receive more in straight general wage over the next four and a half years than over the last 22 years combined.

Workers will receive an immediate 11% wage increase if the contract is ratified, he said.

Todd Dunn, president of the Local 862 in Louisville, called it a “life-changing” agreement.

“This is an agreement that will be historical,” he said. “The gains in this agreement in the 2023 contract are worth more than the gains in the past four contracts alone. As you know, you’ve been out on the picket line. You’ve seen our members. Our members have fought hard. They have worked diligently to keep their solidarity together.”

Earlier this month, more than 8,000 workers at the Kentucky Ford Truck Plant joined in on a strike that began at other facilities around the country in mid-September.

Ford Motor Company said the strike has affected a dozen other plants, resulting in layoffs.

Dunn thanked everyone who supported the UAW, and said ultimately, it will be up to the members to decide on the agreement.

He said members will be notified in different groups when to return to work.

“Everybody won’t get everything that they wanted,” he said. “Everybody won’t get everything they wished for. Everybody will get everything that they needed to get to get back what we lost, with some other things that they would want to have more, but I think it’s a great contract.”

According to the UAW, leaders will come to Detroit and vote this Sunday on whether to send the agreement to the membership.

If the council votes to approve the agreement, there will be a Facebook Live going through it in detail.

Then there will be regional meetings and members to vote on the deal.