SHEPHERDSVILLE, Ky. — A year in the making. A memorial for two fallen Zoneton firefighters was unveiled. Chief Rob Orkies and Chief Garry Key died from contracting COVID-19 in the line of duty.

What You Need To Know

  • Firefighters unveiled statues at the Zoneton Fire Department to remember Chief Rob Orkies and Chief Garry Key.

  • Orkies was diganosed with covid and passed away in December 2020. Not long after, Key passed away in February 2021 from covid

  • The statues stand to remind people the dedication the men had to protecting the community.

  • The memorial is open to the public everyday

Firefighters unveiled statues at the Zoneton Fire Department to remember Orkies and Key.

“They were friends. They were mentors to people. They were heroes to family, you know, grandkids. They were just top notch men,” said Kevoin Moulton, chief at the Zoneton Fire Department.

While battling cancer, Orkies was diganosed with COVID and died in Dec. 2020. Not long after, Key passed away in Feb. 2021 also from COVID. 

“Both of them were active with COVID. They were the men you just couldn’t keep away because even when they were sick, so and just still making some runs, they just developed the covid side of it,” he said. 

Moulton said they were more than just firefighters and touched the lives of everyone.

“They did so much for the community, from teaching them little league baseball to, you know, helping people on the side of the road if they needed it. Just the hearts on these two were just just huge,” he said. 

The statues stand to remind people of the dedication the men had to protecting the community.

“This is a place for anybody and everybody to come and memorialize and take peace away, you know, if they wanted to lay flowers on birthdays they’ve got a close place to do that here,” he said. 

Moulton said they will never be forgotten.

“They are and they will be missed for a very long time,” he said. 

The memorial is open to the public every day of the week.