LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Aug. 26 is Women’s Equality Day.

On this day in 1920, the 19th amendment was passed giving women the right to vote. On Saturday, people gathered at the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville to celebrate.

What You Need To Know

  •  Aug. 26, 2023 is the 123rd anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote

  •  People gathered at the Muhammad Ali Center to celebrate

  • The director of the Women’s Center at the University of Louisville said by coming together people can be innovative to solve remaining disparities 

It was a day of coming together and creatively promoting conversation about gender inequalities.

“Today is a day that we celebrate the work that women and gender expansive folks have done in history of getting the vote and keeping the vote,” said Jabani Bennet, director of the Women’s Center at the University of Louisville.

Although there was a celebration Saturday, Bennett said there is still work that needs to be done.

“There is definitely still work,” she said. “A lot of work to be done.”

She said it’s more than just about the right to vote. She said there are still inequalities in many other areas of life.

“There’s disparities for girls, especially Black and brown girls, when it comes to health and when it comes to education and access to good education, access to good high-quality food,” she said. 

To help solve those disparities, she said, there needs to be more spaces where people can make joy and participate in cultural activities that make them think.

“Co-creating spaces that are healthy, that keeps us accountable, and that helps us dream and I think that’s power in creating spaces,” Bennett said.

Spaces just like Saturday’s event, she said, are a great way to focus on the women in the community.

“It feels really good because it’s a great opportunity for us to be together,” she said. “Yes, we’re different. We’re diverse and bringing together being different. Diversity gives an opportunity for innovation.”

She said she hopes for more events like this next year.