LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Taking steps up the corporate ladder, Lornna Ruble and Erika Kuhn, are successfully navigating leadership roles at UPS

What You Need To Know

  •  March 8 is recognized at International Women's Day

  •  UPS is one of less than 9% Fortune 500 companies led by a female CEO, according to a 2022 report

  •  Erika Kuhn and Lornna Ruble are leaders at UPS

The two department directors join a historic line of trailblazing women.

Kuhn, a University of Louisville graduate, oversees the maintenance repair and operations of airframes and power plant engineering.

“Women and other minorities and various backgrounds, it’s important to have a diverse group of people that are leading your company,” Kuhn said. 

According to the 2022 Women CEO Report, less than 9% of Fortune 500 companies are led by a female CEO. 

Carol Tome contributes to this statistic, as the current CEO of UPS. She says she aims to cultivate a diverse workplace with women making up about one-third of C-suite executive positions.

“A powerful, you know, moment for all the women who want to find a career. It doesn’t matter if it’s male-dominated, you know if you want it go for it,” Ruble said. 

Both Ruble and Kuhn took this advice.  

After growing up in Puerto Rico, Ruble found her place in aviation and started as a management trainee. Her hard work has allowed her to land her current position as Aircraft Maintenance Director.

“Just keep learning and take risks. Challenges actually make you better and go for it. If you can dream it, you can achieve it,” Ruble said. 

For Kuhn, who has two daughters, leading a team in a male-dominated field, shows her children that they too can shine in whatever avenue they pursue.

“Don’t worry about the naysayers. Don’t worry about if someone tells you if it’s too difficult or not. You know what your capabilities are. You know that your support system is there.”