LEXINGTON, Ky. — One of Kentucky’s last parent-teacher stores is staying open after plans to close its doors.

What You Need To Know

  • Lexington’s Parent-Teacher Store is keeping its in-store shop open after ongoing troubles threatened to close it for good

  • The store offers education-themed resources and essentials for Kentucky families

  • The Lexington store is one of two remaining in Kentucky

Owners of Lexington’s parent-teacher store Chriss and Meg La Rue are one of the few stores and small business owners who are still offering education-themed resources and essentials for people in Kentucky.  

“They can do it through a game, and it helps with their communication skills and starting to get along together,” said Meg La Rue, a former educator at Fayette public county schools. “It’s just different from what we classify as a regular classroom experience.”

The store provides education, recreation, sensory, decor, and supplies for early learning through adult education in a way that gives kids and parents a hands-on approach to shopping. 

Inside the store, several spaces are dedicated to specific subjects and services like the science center. (Spectrum News 1/Sabriel Metcalf)

However, like several business owners who opened during the pandemic experienced, the couple was forced to close.

“Within 2 weeks we had to close the store, so since we’ve been here we have dealt with a pandemic and the following year, supply chain issues,” Chriss La Rue said. 

In October, the store faced more troubles and the La Rue’s had to dip into their retirement funds to keep their in-store location open.

“That made us panic a little bit, and we almost closed this fall. We had people come in, so I was in near tears because we were closing,” the La Rues said. “We are part of the community, and it’s just not Lexington. The industry itself of parent-teacher stores like this is shrinking drastically nationwide.”

That motivation is why they are remaining open with the help of a supportive community and local educators. They say they enjoy making a difference in the school system and beyond, but that takes a city and sometimes more support.

They have even received visits from teachers in counties like Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery and others. 

“It’s nice to collaborate with educators and it’s wonderful to be around people who put these kids first and truly care about education, truly care about the future of their kids, and I just love being a part of that.” Meg La Rue said. 

The La Rues plan to continue in-store efforts as one of the last in the central Kentucky region and as a token resource center for educators, grandparents and young adults.