LEXINGTON, Ky. — All over the nation, local United Negro College Fund groups gathered for the annual walk for education.
Mayor Linda Gorton, University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto, and city council members kicked off the event with a few words before a cheerful group stretch.
President Eli Capilouto said he and the university are excited to partner with the event. “When we can be part of something that is going to extend the opportunities for education to black and underrepresented students, the University of Kentucky is going to be there” UNCF is one of the nation’s largest private scholarship providers to underrepresented groups. The foundation began as an initiative that committed to seeing African American students receive college degrees.
This year, University of Kentucky students will be able to benefit from these scholarships as it opens up to predominantly white institutions.
Councilman and Candidate-at-Large James Brown helped operate the event along with several other community sponsors. He said the fundraiser has garnered much attention and funding.
“This organization has been around for years and has raised over $5 billion, more than $1.6 billion in the last decade to provide opportunities for kids to go to college”
The University of Kentucky Associate Vice President of Institutional diversity Damon Williams is a former Xavier University UNCF scholarship recipient. He said the walk is symbolic to him and to UK.
“As we embark on the inaugural first walk and now that the University of Kentucky black and indigenous people of color students can receive scholarships from the United Negro College Fund, it’s important that we’re out walking this morning.” Over 32 cities are participating in the annual marathon themed fundraiser in which activities like running, cycling and walking are options.
Since its founding in 1944, the UNCF cause has produced over 500,000 graduates.