OLDHAM COUNTY, Ky. — Dozens of people filled the Oldham County Fiscal Court room on Thursday as residents awaited a decision that they say would negatively affect Westport, Ky., and surrounding homes. 

What You Need To Know

  • Oldham County Board of Adjustments and Appeals denied the request for conditional use permit for Heritage Gun Club

  • Jacob Dietrich proposed the Heritage Gun Club, a country club and sporting clay facility

  • Dozens of Oldham County residents wore red in opposition to the gun range

Those in opposition of the gun range wore red and held signs reading “no outdoor gun range”, and filled the Oldham County Fiscal Court Room. 

The room later broke out in cheers as the Oldham County Board Adjustments and Appeals denied the request for a conditional use permit for Heritage Gun Club.

Oldham County residents pack the Oldham County Fiscal Court Room ahead of the vote on the Heritage Gun Club. (Spectrum News 1/Erin Wilson)

“I’m just very happy. I think the right decision was made to deny and just good for the neighborhood,” Wesley Finch, a resident opposed to the gun range, said. 

Back in May, we introduced the Heritage Gun Club, a proposed country club and sporting clay facility on Spectrum News.

Jacob Dietrich, a La Grange native, presented a PowerPoint to the board of adjustments on what he hopes to accomplish with the club.

“For me, this project is very personal. This is about having grown up here. I believe one thing we need in this town more than anything is entertainment,” Jacob Dietrich said.

Each side for and against the proposed gun range received 60 minutes to speak on the matter. The main topic of discussion revolved around the dangers of the range.

“When somebody messes up in golf, they yell four to give someone an opportunity to move. Somebody messes up here, by the time they yell four or somethingm you’re dead,” said Eric Farris, who represented residents opposed to the gun range said.

Residents expressed concerns about the roadways surrounding the gun club on Rebel Ridge Road.

“All I can say really, our standard county roadways is 18 feet, and it measures approximately 16 feet, that’s correct,” James Silliman, Oldham County engineer, said.

Dietrich even stated he would do whatever was needed to fix the road, but in the end the negatives outweigh the positives for the community.

“It’s going to destroy the quality of life for my family, for our neighbors and not to mention the detrimental impact on the wildlife,” David Dudding, a resident opposed to the gun range, said.

It’s a decision the Finch family is grateful for.

“I’m excited to resume normal life. I’m excited that I have a community backing us for whatever we need down the road, but we are united and the right decision was made today,” Hannah Finch, a resident opposed to the gun range, said.

The petition against the Heritage Gun Club started by Hannah Finch received more than 1,500 signatures before the Oldham County Board of Adjustments and Appeals public meeting.