LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Lexington Public Library has partnered with God’s Pantry to open a new food pantry location on the north side of Fayette County. 

What You Need To Know

  • God’s Pantry opens new food pantry location in Lexington Library

  • The location will be in the Winburn neighborhood

  • God’s Pantry says they serve around 1,800 families a month

  • Some items in the pantry are frozen meals, perishable items and household products


God’s Pantry Food Bank is adding its fourth location to Lexington, a location that District 1 Council member James Brown says is desperately needed. 

“I think we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing. And you know we’ve all experienced trauma with the pandemic over the last few years. That is indescribable,” Brown said.

God’s Pantry says this new location comes after people on the north side of Lexington, like Brown, saw their neighbors struggling to put food on the table. 

“Working together and lifting each other up and addressing needs that need to be addressed, is exactly what we should be doing,” Brown said.

Organizations working together in creating what Heather Dieffenbach says is a unique location for a food pantry.

“We are fortunate the library has locations that are in the neighborhoods so they’re easy for our community to access,” Dieffenbach said.

Dieffenbach is the Executive Director for the Lexington Public Library and says their role in the community is to provide resources, and adding the food pantry gives another way to do just that. 

“I hope that people come and use it. That it’s easy for them to use, easy for them to access. I hope that while they’re here, they learn about some of the resources that the library has to offer,” Dieffenbach said.

The pantry will have fresh produce, frozen meats and meals, a variety of perishable food items and household products. Brown and Dieffenbach are excited to see the partnerships within Lexington working to help their neighbors in need. 

God’s Pantry Food Banks are open to anyone who meets the income requirements. The new location will restock items daily, and those who meet the requirements can pick up the items for free.