DAWSON SPRINGS, Ky. — One Dawson Springs man returned back to his home today to collect items unsure if they were even in good condition.

When Terry Warren returned home, he found his flag out front still flying high after the EF-3 tornado that hit Dawson Springs.

“I fly that for the guys that didn't get to come home that went through that mess,” Warren said. “It's just a respectful thing I try to do.”

What You Need To Know

  • When Terry Warren returned to his Dawson Springs home a week after the tornado hit, his flag was still standing

  • Warren returned home to collect salvageable items after the EF-3 tornado

  • Terry Warren’s land in Dawson Springs has been in his family since the 70’s

Warren was home when the storm hit and still remembers the powerful winds.

“I was in the bedroom getting dressed to come up front here, my dog was standing over here spazzing out and I was right here when the roof tore off and stuff started going up there like it was being sucked up like a vacuum cleaner,” Warren said.

He's thankful his home is still standing. It's been in his family since the 70’s and will continue to be – eventually Warren plans to pass it on to his niece. 

“I'd rather do that than sell it to somebody else because I know she'll take care of it,” Warren said.

Although Warren did have some damages inside the home, it's what's in his backyard that holds a piece of his heart.

“Stuff accumulated over the years, stuff from an old fire truck that I was trying to save, thought maybe we could get it put back together in the city on a display,” Warren said.

Items that belonged to his late wife of 51 years who passed away in July.

“But I think about her everyday. I remember the first time I saw her and where it was when I saw her so I don't need items to remind me of her,” Warren said.

Warren was able to salvage some objects, but is in shock that it’s only been a week since the storm.

“It's just amazing but every day seems the same since then but I'm just thankful to be here,” Warren said.

Warren is staying with his niece until he can get his home renovated.