LAGRANGE, Ky. — What started out as a routine check up at Oldham County Pediatrics, quickly turned into panic. A mother who wished to remain anonymous was leaving the office after a check-up with her son when she said her key fob started to malfunction.

What You Need To Know

  • Madison Rabourn is a medical assistant at Oldham County Pediatrics

  • Rabourn was able to punch through the window to rescue a baby boy trapped in a car

  • The mother said her key fob wouldn't unlock her car doors

  • The baby boy was not harmed or injured and both mom and son are doing OK

“We were leaving and I had remotely started the vehicle and put him in his car seat and put the diaper bag in the car which had my keys in it," the mother said. "I put him in, went to the driver's seat and the car had shut off and locked the car."

The mother quickly ran into the office and notified the staff of the news. After calling 911, the front office informed the nurses and doctors of the situation at hand.

“It was 98 degrees outside, they said the mom is outside and the baby was locked in the car and the keys are in the car and the car wasn't running,” said Madison Rabourn, medical assistant at Oldham County Pediatrics.

The mother claimed the key fob to her car began to run out of batteries, and that's why the car did not recognize the key. That's when members of the Oldham County Pediatric staff ran into action. 

“No one said a name or who the baby was at all, there were like four of us, even Dr. Collins ran out there and we were just trying to figure out how to get the kid out of the car,” Rabourn said.

They were all rabbing anything and everything they could use to break the window and get the child to safety. Rabourn mentioned other patients and families in the parking lot were helping as well.

“Looking at the back seat of your kid and you can't get to him is a really very very scary feeling,” the mother said.

After several attempts with different tools and items, Rabourn was finally able to punch through the driver's seat window with a wrench.

“I was literally shaking, thinking like if that was my child because I am a mom. So I was just worried about getting him out safely and making sure he was able to breathe and not suffocate,” Rabourn said.

It was an emotional reunion for mother and son. As staff members were able to lift the mother through the driver’s seat window and she was able to reach her in his carseat.

“It turned from tears of panic to tears of joy because your kid is your most important thing,” the mother said.

The mother has thanked the staff at Oldham County Pediatrics, including Rabourn, who gained a new title of hero.

“It means a lot, it makes me feel good, it makes me tear up a little bit too. Yeah, but it does make me feel good,” Rabourn said.

The baby boy was not harmed or injured and the mother has said she has purchased a new car and that her son is doing well.