LOUISVILLE, Ky. — If Atkinson Academy 5th grade teacher Wanda Jaggers wasn’t wearing a mask you would see her smiling as she prepares her classroom for students’ return. 

What You Need To Know

  • Jefferson County Public Schools start on August 11

  • Students and staff will be required to wear face masks inside schools

  • Students will stay three feet away from each other when possible

  • Teachers are focusing on making sure students are safe and comfortable

She describes the feeling as almost surreal. 

“Everything with the pandemic has been so unknown just right now preparing and knowing that students are coming back on Wednesday, it's just exciting,” says Jagger. 

After a year of virtual and hybrid school, Ms. Jaggers is ready for full time traditional teaching with in class interaction. 

“We tried to recreate it online, but it's just not the same as turning to your neighbor and talking or having your teacher right there with you. so, our kids were just missing out on those interactions,” says Jaggers. 

Students will be able to learn in a classroom but still from a distance. Students are expected to stay three feet apart when possible and wear masks throughout the day. 

A School counselor at Louisville's Atkinson Elementary decorated a bulletin board to show excitement for students’ return, (Spectrum News 1/Ashley N. Brown)

“I feel comfortable, I feel ready,” says Atkinson Academy 3rd grade teacher Brittany Coyne. 

Coyne says students adapted to safety guidelines well during the hybrid semester. 

“They were all really optimistic. I could see the happiness on their faces just about being back in school and seeing their classmates in person seeing their teacher in person,” says Coyne. 

She did notice some small issues with social distancing among the small learners. 

“The excited ones are going to be really excited. They might want to hug their friends I haven't seen in a long time so just dealing with those little things,” says Coyne. 

Fifteen students will fill her class and for some it will be their first time stepping inside a school in a year. 

“Some families have already let me know that their students are nervous about coming back to school, so we have already, planned some team building activities and get to know you activities, get to know our classroom activities, so they can feel safe and welcomed and kind of eliminate that nervousness and anxiety that they might have,” says Coyne. 

Atkinson Academy principal Mike Losey says making students feel safe and comfortable is his daily assignment.

“What we've tried to think about is, even though it looks different, how do we make sure that our kids have a chance to express who they are, to share their anxieties and their fears, because look, I'm a grown man and I have them. so I promise if you're six, you got them too,” says Losey. 

Though they are only in elementary school, many of the students understand the continual impact of COVID-19. 

“We'll have a space in our classroom, where if they're feeling any type of way about being back then they can just remember the good things so they say like I'm beautiful inside and out, I can do hard things I'm successful, I'm brave,” says Jaggers. 

Everyone is doing their part to have a full traditional school year. 

“I’m just really excited to be back in school with the students and I think JCPS is doing a really good job of keeping us all safe and doing what they can to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Atkinson Academy has a return to school committee that actively monitors and addresses safety issues throughout the school year.