LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Coffee is part of many people’s morning rituals, but researchers warn consuming too much of it could put your brain health at risk.

What You Need To Know

  • Drinking too much coffee could lead to dementia, according to a recent study

  • University of South Australia study found that consuming more than 6 cups of coffee a day could lead to a 53% increased risk of developing dementia later in life

  • Dementia is a degenerative brain condition

  • There are more than 75,000 people 65 and older living with dementia in Kentucky, according to Norton Neuroscience Institute

The study shows that consuming more than 6 cups a day could lead to a 53% increased risk of developing dementia later in life. Dr. Greg Cooper, chief of adult neurology and director of the Norton Neuroscience Institute Memory Center, said the study showed the importance of moderation.

“It’s like a lot of things. An excess of anything is likely to be bad and that is what this study showed,” Cooper said. 

Dementia is a degenerative brain condition overtime affecting a person’s memory, thinking, behavior and the ability to perform everyday tasks.

According to the Norton Neuroscience Institute, there are more than 75,000 people 65 and older living with dementia in Kentucky. Dr. Cooper said that while dementia is dangerous, it is also highly preventable.

“We are now learning that up to 40% of dementia [cases] worldwide may be preventable and there are a lot of risk factors that go into that,” Cooper said.

Dr. Cooper recommends managing your blood pressure and weight, and getting the recommended amount of exercise. He also said that smoking and drinking too much alcohol also contributes to a higher risk of dementia later in life.

He advises a lifestyle that incorporates enough sleep, exercise and maybe 1 to 2 cups of coffee as the right balance to keep you happy and healthy.

“To some degree it’s telling people that excess in a lot of things can be bad for us but in moderation it can be OK," Cooper said. "I hope this encourages people to look at their own individual risk and think about what I can do now and in the future and how I can avoid some of these problems down the road."