LEXNGTON, Ky. — Lexington residents needing a mobile hotspot can now borrow one from the Lexington Public Library.

What You Need To Know

  • Lexington Library buys 30 mobile hotspots

  • The Murry Foundation helped the library with the initiative

  • Each hotspot can be checked out for 14 days and can be renewed

  • You can help the library buy more by making a donation


The library announced Tuesday it has purchased 30 hotpots, also known as mobile internet service points, which will be lent to library patrons. Customers will be able to borrow the hotspots for two weeks, and they can be renewed if no other customers are waiting. 

“We know that the digital divide is a very real and serious problem within our community,” said LPL Executive Director Heather Dieffenbach in a press release. . “Since we are unable to invite customers into our facilities while Fayette County remains in the Red Zone, we are providing mobile hotspots which can be used anywhere our customers choose. The hotspots may be checked out by themselves or with a library laptop.”

LPL can offer the hotspots in part because of the Murry Foundation.  The Lexington foundations mission is to find ways to break the cycle of poverty in the community.

In the same release, Director of the Murry Foundation, Elizabeth York said, "It is nearly impossible for anyone to learn new skills or find employment without access to the internet. We’re proud to increase access and affordability through this partnership with the Lexington Public Library.” 

Anyone who would like to help support the initiative and help buy more hotspots for the library can donate to the Lexington Public Library Foundation or you send a check to the Foundation at 140 E. Main St., Lexington, KY with a note saying you want to help the hotspot initiative. 


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