LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Department is looking for Christmas tree donations for their annual event, Christmas For the Fishes.

One member of the department, Joseph Zimmerman, said donated trees are the best way to help the wildlife create new habitats during the winter. 

“We cut trees routinely throughout the year to use for fish habitat and this is just an easy way for us to get a lot of material,” Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman said they typically collect around 5,000 trees a year. The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife department works with counties around the state to divide the donated trees to areas that need them most. 

“They may use these trees as kind of a feeding area. And they might just be using it as refuge from predators, as well. So it's important for our fisheries, and it's something they need to improve,” Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman says hosting this annual event is an easy way to collect enough Christmas trees to replenish the fish habitats around the state.

Any Kentuckian who wants to donate their tree can drop off their Christmas trees and any one of the drop off locations daily from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The last day to drop off Christmas trees will be on January 15th.