LOUISVILLE, Ky. — There will be new, strict safety measures for fall sports at Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), Superintendent Dr. Marty Pollio told the Board of Education during its special meeting Tuesday. However, some Board members expressed a desire to cancel sports, except for golf, regretting the previous decision to go ahead with athletics amid a pandemic.

What You Need To Know

  • Some JCPS Board members express desire to cancel most fall sports

  • Board previously voted to go ahead with athletics

  • Vote fails

  • Strict safety guidelines in place for athletics

Board Member Chris Kolb made the motion for a vote to call off sports, but the 4-3 vote to do so failed.

"If we allow sports, the number of cases is going to increase. When the number of cases increases, the number of deaths increases," said Kolb. "Personally, I think we have to rethink our decision that we made 15 days ago."

Fellow Board Member Chris Brady brought to light an incident he says was reported to him anonymously. Brady says there are claims a student-athlete told the coach of his/her positive coronavirus test, but the coach told the student to take another test. The district hasn't released anymore on the situation, but Pollio said it is investigating the details and that, "assistant principals [and staff] acted immediately and we will continue to do so."

"So, the concern is that this wasn't properly handled, and we have lots of protocols in place. These things are really important, but it doesn't really mean that much...if not adhered to," said Brady.

Among the safety measures in place for fall sports is requiring face masks, screening all spectators and players for symptoms and isolating any who display them, limiting the number of spectators to two per participant, reducing venue capacity to 20 percent, and more.

Transportation concerns are being handled by seating students one to a bus seat, demanding more spending on transportation. Pollio says school administrators will be policing spectators and the bleacher areas to be sure people are practicing safety protocols such as wearing masks and social distancing. Staff can escort anyone who is not following the protocol from the property. 

"We reserve the right to suspend any practice or contest at any JCPS school or sport," is there's any safety concern such as learning a person has COVID-19 or is displaying symptoms.