LEXINGTON, Ky. — September is National Recovery Month.
It’s a month to increase awareness and understanding about mental and substance use disorders and a time to celebrate the people who recover.
The city of Lexington is bringing attention to the growing problem of opioid addiction during the pandemic.
According to the Mayor’s office, Fayette County recorded 128 overdose deaths in 2019. As of August 17 this year, Lexington already has 130 overdose fatalities.
The increase comes after a two-year decrease. The number of overdose fatalities in Lexington peaked at 187 in 2017.
City leaders are recognizing those who have died from substance abuse with a Silver Ribbon campaign.
“Along main street, at our partner organizations, and in front of city buildings, we have placed silver ribbons to recognize those who have lost someone to a drug overdose,” Mayor Linda Gorton said.
Parents who have lost children are also displaying ribbons. So far, about 30 businesses and organizations have joined the campaign.
Several special events happening during National Recovery Month will be posted to the City website at www.lexingtonky.gov.