LEXINGTON, Ky. — The University of Kentucky is welcoming more than 6,000 Wildcats back to campus this weekend. During a global pandemic, the move-in day looks anything but normal this year. 

What You Need To Know

  • UK welcomes students back to campus

  • 6,000 students expected this weekend

  • Students are moving in to the dorms by appointment only

  • UK has a special website set up

The move-in period has been extended to accommodate for COVID-19 and will be held between Saturday, August 8 through Sunday, August 16. 

“We are sanitizing the carts and the tables as they come in. And we're just making sure that they have to process down. Obviously, there's a lot less people, spreading at the moving over the week,” Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, Sarah Knikrik said. 

Students are moving in by appointment only with each dorm allowing anywhere from 300 to 1,000 students per day. Everyone participating is being asked to wear a mask at all times and to limit the amount of helping hands to maintain social distancing. 

“We're excited to welcome our new Wildcats to campus. We've been working hard on the new process and it's going real smooth.” Knikrik said. 

For more information on the changes to move-in day at the university, you can go to their Fall move-in 2020 website.