LOUISVILLE, Ky. —Planning a trip these days according to medical experts takes some research. After all, you don’t want to find yourself in the middle of a COVID-19 hotspot.

 “Depending on where you plan on traveling look at the number of cases that are in that area because let’s say you are going someplace in North Carolina that’s having a large number of cases you may want to change your plans,” Dr. Monalisa Tailor said.

 Once you’ve decided on a destination the next question is usually to travel by car or plane. And If you are planning to hit the open road listen up. 

“Traveling by car it’s still very important to be mindful when are outside your vehicle and in a public space. So if you are going to be pumping gas I’ve told my patients to feel free to use a glove so that way you hold the gas pump and pump your gas and get rid it after you’ve completed that activity,” Dr. Tailor said,

 Flying is also another option.

 “The airlines have made a lot of modifications in terms of the seat availability so that way you can physically distance. It’s going to be so important to wear a mask to help prevent exposures to other travelers around you, the airport staff and yourself,” Dr. Tailor said,

 And if your plans include a hotel, packing a kit full of your own supplies isn’t a bad idea and checking into what safety protocols the hotel has in place.

 “I would try to make sure that you have some sort supplies on hand again if it’s the hand sanitizer some sort of wipes you are keeping with you to make sure when get into your room that you have something,” Dr. Tailor said.

 And finally, the summer is usually time to catch up on a little vitamin D at the beach but still doesn’t mean you can throw caution the wind.

 “If you can physically distance on a beach that’s going to helpful. If you have a secluded part of a beach that might be better and just because it’s hot inside does not mean this virus is less potent it’s still there it’s still present,” Dr. Tailor said.

Tailor also suggests possibly going to the beach earlier or later in the day to avoid large crowds.