VERSAILLES, Ky. —W ith schools out and students home, Sparks Community Cafe is doing their part to make sure enough meals are available for children. The non profit is supplying free breakfast for children who are in need of meals right now.
With over 300 meals delivered and given to students this week, the organization is partnering with WoodFord County, Versailles, and Midway to make sure all meals are covered and provided to children.
"With us being a non profit restaurant, this is perfect time for us to be able to help the community out and take some burdens off of different organizations and help where we can." Co-Executive Director of Sparks community Cafe, Tristan Ferrell said.
As of right now, Friday will be the last day for these meals being supplied for students but they will continue to watch and see if they should continue based on the needs of their community.