BOWLING GREEN, Ky. -  While some stay inside to avoid the cold, others are anxious to get on the ice. The adult hockey league in Bowling Green offers an alternative way to play a the game. Playing with little to no contact, people of all ages can come and play, with no experience is necessary.

The hockey group coordinator, Nate Fielder has been playing hockey for over thirty years. 

“We’re definitely not professionals, we make it look good but if we get out here with professionals they’d make us look dumb. But um we have a lot of newbies." He continued, "We had actually two young ladies that came and joined us last season that never skated before.” 

Most men Fielder’s age prefer going to the gym for a workout, but he says “This is my workout, this is what I do I play hockey. I don’t like to go to a gym or any of that I don’t like running. I have no problem skating 2 miles here on the ice but if I have to run a half mile I can’t do it”. 

A winter workout is perfect for Middle Tennessee State student, Nathaniel Wilson who plays for the school's club hockey team.

“Lowers the stress on my body from playing but I’m able to keep up the same stamina and strength I need to play. So I can just come out here and practice on what I need to practice on," he said, "but not worry about taking massive hits and getting injured through the game so for me it's perfect, perfect thing to do.” 

While players on the team are both young and old, new and experienced, everyone shares a love for the ice. The league practices every Tuesday night from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and every Saturday night from 10:30 p.m. to midnight at SoKY Ice Rink.