MANCHESTER, Ky. - A new facility in Manchester is open to help people dealing with addiction.
State and federal officials cut the ribbon on the Volunteers of America Recovery Community Center on Monday.
VOA said the facility is one of only four of its kind in Kentucky: One that serves as a comfortable and welcoming place for people in recovery.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was on hand to cut the ribbon.
“Everyone involved in fighting the tragedy of substance abuse knows this suffering doesn’t discriminate based on region or socioeconomic status,” McConnell said. “Kentucky has, as we all know, been unfortunately hit hard, and communities across the commonwealth are stepping up to respond.”
Governor-elect Andy Beshear also spoke in support of efforts to battle drug addiction.
“This challenge is too big for any type of divides,” Beshear said. “It is one where we must come together, because the lives of our loved ones hangs in the balance.”
Volunteers of America said another facility to help mothers, both expectant and new, battle drug addiction will also be opening soon in Manchester. It will be modeled after the Freedom House in Louisville, which officials say has helped more than 200 mothers.