LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Yoga with animals is a relatively new craze both in Kentucky and across the country. A Louisville Cafe is putting a new twist on this popular concept.

Betsy Durham of Betsy's Barnyard Yoga comes to Purrfect Day Cat Cafe in the Highlands to lead a yoga class twice a week. While people move through yoga poses, the kittens can roam around how they please.

Spending an hour in the class, it was clear that certain kittens gravitated to certain people and vice versa. In that hour, special bonds can form often leading people to want to take a cat home with them. The good news is, they can.

Purrfect Day Cat Cafe teamed up with the Kentucky Humane Society, so all of the kittens in the class are up for adoption.

"I'm honestly floored and thrilled to even be a part of it. It's a phenomenal service that it's doing," Durham said.

When Victoria Connolly walked into the class Saturday morning, she already knew what she was doing. She had been coming to the class for a while as a way to see which kittens meshed with her personality. A couple of weeks ago, she left with not just one new family member, but two.

"It has definitely made my home happier adding two new additional kitties," Connolly said.

Connolly is not alone. There have been 1,772 adoptions at the cafe since it opened in August 2018 and that number continues to grow each day.

There are a number of ways people can participate. Betsy's Barnyard Yoga offers a number of classes including the Saturday morning and Sunday evening class at Purrfect Day Cat Cafe. People can also grab a bite or something to drink at the cafe where they can also look at what cats are available.