The more people and businesses that move to an area, the busier the fire departments get.

Woodburn Fire Department Chief Bob Skipper said he noticed the trend over the years.

“When I started in the fire service here in Warren County almost 30 years ago, we were averaging about 80 runs a year,” Chief Skipper said. “This department had almost 500 last year,” he added.

The population and commercial growth across the country forces volunteer fire departments for ways to keep up.

“Even though about 75% of the fire departments across the country are volunteer it is just harder to find people,” Skipper said.

The Woodburn Fire Department has an automatic aid agreement with three other departments in Warren County.

“It makes sure that we have enough equipment and manpower to handle the situation,” Skipper said.

Woodburn Fire also has a rolling five-year plan to respond to population surges.

Skipper hopes more Kentuckians will volunteer with local departments.

“If you live in a district that’s all or partially volunteer, get a hold of them and they’ll put you to work,” Skipper said.