LOUISVILLE, Ky --- In an announcement made via a facebook post, Kentucky State Representative  Attica Scott says she is not running for governor of Kentucky in 2019, citing family and financial reasons.

Scott, a democrat, has represented Kentucky House District 41, which covers part of Jefferson County since 2016.

Scott shared with her social media followers:"I have decided not to campaign for governor of Kentucky. My daughter, Ashanti, will soon be heading 600+ miles away for college and I am dedicating this time to spend with her. Like many of you, I am also not in a financial position to take the time off from my full-time job in order to run a successful statewide race. Unfortunately, there are still many barriers for working class folks and single moms like me to run for higher office."

Scott continued,"Thank you to the 1000s of good people across Kentucky and across our country who have showered me with tremendous support as I have contemplated running for governor. It’s not often that a woman who grew up in the projects of Beecher Terrace in Louisville gets the chance to even be considered as a viable candidate for the highest office in the state – whatever viable means."

You can read Scott's statement in full by clicking here.