At a time of inreased scrutiny on traffic stops and how police interact with the drivers they pull over, one bill has been filed in Kentucky's legislature, to make it a state law that Drivers Ed courses must teach youg drivers how to behave in a traffic stop situation. The bill is filed in the House of Representatives, by Rep. Reginald Meeks (D- Jefferson), and you can read the full text here

  • A new bill filed in Kentucky's House of Representatives would require Drivers Ed to teach students how to behave while pulled over by police.
  • Many police departments across the country are releasing video tutorials on traffic stop etiquette. 
  • Driver instructors have mixed feelings about the bill that's filed to reqire the new teaching, some wanting more details on what they're to teach.

Several police departments across the country have been releasing video tutorials detailing how one should conduct themselves with an officer when stopped. In Kentucky, Bowling Green has uploaded their own version onto Youtube

Meanwhile, some driver instructors feel it's a good idea that they teach how to handle a traffic stop; but some want more details written into the bill, if it is to pass and officilly become law. 

"Well, it's a fairly ambiguous as it's written right now as to what we're supposed to do," said instructor Alan Cheek. "I mean, you would think that these would be common sense situations and that you would know how to behave in a traffic stop, but it's not always the case," he added. 

Cheek doubts whether a law like what's proposed would really make an impact, since not all drivers are required to take Drivers Ed in Kentucky. However, he offers some advice of his own: "Do not become combative in any way...always stay inside the vehicle, don't ever attempt to exit the vehicle...always remain calm, don't get excited...relax as the officer approaches the car..."

Richard Epley owns the Kentucky Driving School, and adds this advice: "You always teaching respect just like I respect you, and you respect me, that's the way it should go...and main thing is, if you're in doubt whether it's a policeman or not, you should crack your window enough to talk to 'em and then if you're in doubt of them being a real policeman, you should ask them if they can follow you to the nearest gas station or whatever where other people's around."