LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It’s estimated between 60 million and 100 million cats are feral in the U.S., according to the National Library of Medicine. That means cats in the Commonwealth are bearing these bitterly cold temperatures, so one Kentuckian is doing what she can to keep them warm.

What You Need To Know

  • According to the National Library of Medicine, between 60 million and 100 million U.S. cats are feral 

  • To keep cats warm in the cold, Nikki Hamilton made a cat shelter with straw and a Styrofoam box 

  • The Kentucky Humane Society advocates for straw shelters, as they work well to keep cats dry 
  • The society added taking care of dogs is also important, limiting their time outdoors and keeping walks quick 

Nikki Hamilton said it doesn’t take much to help keep outdoor cats warm, as a Styrofoam box and some straw will do just fine.

“They like to lie around in these tall grasses, but it’s just too cold for them,” said Hamilton, a Louisville resident. “I’m making sure that I can [make] a cat shelter for them so they have a little bit more warmth.” 

Hamilton, who said she’s an animal-lover, got the idea through her work with animals. She added she considers stray cats “community cats” because it takes a community to care for them. 

The Kentucky Humane Society also advocates for straw shelters, as they work well to keep cats warm and dry. Keeping them full and hydrated is also important, said Baylee Phillips, the society’s content manager. 

Hamilton said she has another shelter on the way, and this one will be heated. 

“We’ll still have a few days [that will be] really cold,” she said. “[The new shelter] will be like the Ritz-Carlton of cat shelters ... [the current one] is like Super 8.”

According to the Humane Society, it is also important to keep dogs warm, take them for quick walks and limiting their time outside