KENTUCKY — Kentucky has 165 farmers’ markets and more than 2,300 vendors selling fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, cut flowers, baked goods, crafts, and numerous other food and farm items.
During this In Focus Kentuky segment, Kentucky Department of Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles explains why he advocated to get all farmer’s markets in the Commonwealth, classified as the coveted “essential business” status during the peak of the pandemic.,
Quarles also sharee details about his invitation to Kentucky students to enter the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s (KDA) annual Poster and Essay Contest.
The theme of the 2021 contest is “Kentucky Agriculture Never Stops.”
Students in grades K-12 may submit a poster, an essay of 500 words or less, or a digital entry, which may be photos or original digital artwork. Each entry must include the actual written theme and be postmarked by Monday, March 1, 2021.
For more information, including complete contest rules and an entry form, click here.