BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Losing a baby is devastating, but that is why one local international nonprofit is using its power to help turn tears into smiles.

What You Need To Know

  • Bowling Green nonprofit, Glory Baby ministry, helps ease the pain of losing a child

  • The group makes burial gowns and memorial packages for parents who have lost a child

  • The memorials are free to anyone who needs it and are delivered anywhere in the world

  • Glory Baby Ministry began after Jessica Heffinger, who runs the organization, lost her daughter

Jessica Heffinger is a mother who understands the pain of losing a child. She went into labor over 10 years ago and gave birth to her stillborn daughter, who she named Riley. 

Heffinger said, “Hearing the words ‘There is no heartbeat’ will forever be instilled in my memory.”

Although the pain remains, she has turned her tragedy into a blessing.

Heffinger said. “Our stillbirth, 13 years ago in 2010, is now bringing comfort to over 700 families across the world to date.”

She runs a nonprofit called Glory Baby Ministry. The ministry makes burial gowns or memorial packages for parents grieving the loss of a child. The memorial packages Heffinger gives out include such items as a baby bracelet with lamb charm, ornaments, a mother’s bracelet, prayer hearts and other small items that are typically handmade by volunteers.

The package can also include infant-sized formal apparel, if it’s requested. The formalwear is made from donated wedding dresses to bring further comfort to the families.

Heffinger said, “These babies that are wearing these have passed away, and they’re not going to go to their wedding or their prom.”

The memorials are mailed for free. Each contains a quote taped on it from Proverbs 3:5-6. It reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on you own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make straight your paths.”

Heffinger said the scripture verse helped her when she lost her child.

She said, “That day that was sent to me. It took me out of the darkness. And I said, ‘My pain, what I’m going through, there’s a bigger purpose for this.’”

Glory Baby Ministry appreciates the help of its volunteers and if anyone is interested in helping, the ministry can be reached at 502-324-5074.