LEXINGTON, Ky. — Three more Kentucky counties are now part of the Federal Anti-Drug Program, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced in Winchester Wednesday. 

What You Need To Know

  • Three more counties added to Federal Anti Drug Program

  • Clark, Simpson and Logan counties added

  • Will help law enforcemen track down drugs before others get them

Before the pandemic, Senator Mitch McConnell said the nation saw a spike in fatal overdoses, and it's only getting worse as the pandemic continues. 

Clark, Simpson, and Logan counties will be given additional resources and funding to help fight the opioid epidemic in Kentucky. 

"It didn't take a break during the pandemic. It actually got worse as you can imagine, with everybody cooped up at home. It created a whole different set of challenges for America,” McConnell said. 

The high-intensity drug trafficking program will help law enforcement track down drugs before they get into the hands of others. 

McConnell also mentioned there may be a possible second round of stimulus checks, focusing on the people who make less than $40,000 a year.