LEXINGTON, Ky. — Many students this summer lost internships due to the coronavirus. That is why the University of Kentucky created an online platform to help students earn their credits. 

What You Need To Know

  • Kentucky helping students find virutal internships

  • UK partnered with non-profits

  • Lexington based but available for students living outside of Kentucky

  • 100 different organizations

 UK started a program a few weeks ago that allows for students to earn their school credits by finding virtual internship opportunities to participate in. 

The University has partnered up with different non-profits in Lexington to help out the organizations in a time of need, as well as their students. 

“And so our map has been broken down by 10 sectors color-coded organized nicely so students are able to highlight areas of their interests or focus areas that they want to work in, '' said UK Center for Service Learning advisor, Grace Ragain.


Courtesy University of Kentucky

 The internships are all based out of Lexington, but being virtual can allow students to participate no matter their location for the summer. 

“I encourage them to even use it in their back on campus in the fall in the spring semesters if they're wanting to get engaged. This is a great resource, it's not going to disappear. It's only going to grow.” Ragain said. 

The new virtual program has about 100 different organizations for students to get involved with, but the University is working on expanding their resources for their students in the upcoming years.