LOUISVILLE, Ky. — About 10% of Kentuckians live with type 2 diabetes according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Derick Adams is a physician in Endocrinology at Baptist Hospital in Louisville. He says it’s important to eat throughout the day, instead of waiting until the Thanksgiving meal to fuel up.

What You Need To Know

  • About 10% of Kentuckians live with Type 2 Diabetes

  • Dr. Derick Adams with Baptist Health reccomends eating green vegetables and turkey

  • He also reccomends not waiting until the Thanksgiving meal to eat

“I would recommend eating like normal. That way, you’re just not starving by the time you get to Thanksgiving. And probably it would help you not to eat so much, you know, on that actual Thanksgiving meal,” Adams says. 

Adams recommends filling up the plate with nutritiously dense food, like turkey and vegetables. 

And when it comes to dessert, there is a healthier option. 

“Pumpkin pie is probably one of the least caloric pies that you can eat, especially if you don’t do the crust. So if you just eat the pie part, that’s actually not as bad as some of the other desserts.”

But, Adams says if you eat too much, don’t freak out. Instead, move your body.

 “I would just say, you know, take that into consideration that maybe you’ve overindulged, maybe over the next few days don’t eat so much. Or the other nice thing you could do is increase your activity, maybe go for a nice walk, try to burn some calories.”

He recommends eating green vegetables and staying away from things rich in carbohydrates, like bread rolls and mashed potatoes. 

Baptist Health Louisville offers monthly diabetes management and prevention classes and one-on-one appointments with nutritionists and specialists.