LOS ANGELES, CA – First responders are being honored at Dodger Stadium with a chance to trade their fire hoses for a baseball.

  • Dodgers honoring first responders
  • Fans think "third time's a charm" 
  • FanFest was last Saturday

While it is not the normal glove that she would use, Kady Kepner is ready.

“Alright let’s play catch,” said Kepner.

Kepner’s lifelong dreams came true as she got a chance to play catch at Dodger Stadium, as the team honored first responders like her.

“I love the Dodgers and I couldn’t think of a better place to be on such a beautiful day,” said Kepner.

As a Battalion Chief of the firefighter recruitment section for the Los Angeles Fire Department, Kepner was responsible for a strike team during the Woolsey Fire.

“Being able to be a part of it and help as much as we could, I was really glad to be able to do that, of course we wish we could’ve saved every single home,” said Kepner.

She always knew she wanted to be a firefighter because Kepner wanted to help others and give back. However, this week it is the Dodgers who are giving back in preparation for this year’s FanFest on Saturday.

Along with other first responders, Kepner believes that this year third time’s a charm for the Dodgers.

“Of course it was a bummer they lost but I think they’re going back this year,” said Kepner.

Across town on the Westside, Dodger fan Richard Blair is excited to go to Fan Fest, but says he is staying focused on helping others.

 “I really have a goal of saving the world, and I know we’re going to do it,” said Blair.

Blair is the owner of Catalyst Recovery, and after being sober for 17 years he created a new way to help others. Instead of someone going to a facility, Blair brings drug and alcohol treatment to the individual at their residence.

 “That person that believes there is no chance that they could ever get sober, I know for a fact they can, they just need some added support,” said Blair.

Long before any addiction issues, Blair has always been a huge Dodgers fan. As he closes up shop for the day, he wants to show a place where fans like him gather. At John Boy’s Barber Shop off Venice Boulevard, taking a seat in the chair always sparks Los Angeles sports conversations, and especially Dodgers.

“Tough times.”

“Yeah it was bad.”

“Third time’s a charm now.”

“You got it.”

That attitude is why this city doesn’t quit, and using the phrase of last postseason, these fans are LA Determined.