LOS ANGELES — Those living with furry family members could soon see fees commonly dubbed “pet rent” and blanket pet bans eliminated under a proposed bill.

But not everyone this thrilled about it.

“A lot of times these regulations get passed and not everything is one size fits all. And unfortunately, not every property can accommodate pets,” said Daniel Yukelson, CEO of the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles, who is himself a dog owner. 

But most pet owners are breathing sighs of relief, noting that the pet fees felt unfair. “It just feels like you’re almost punished ahead of time for being a potentially bad owner,” said Whitney Gamble, whose dog Browney helped her to regain mobility after a car accident.

Assembly Bill 2216 in its current form would bar landlords of properties of sixteen or more units from asking about pets on rental applications, imposing blanket bans on household pets, eliminate pet rent and cap the pet deposit fee at $1,000.