If you disagree with the valuation of your property value, the deadline to file a formal complaint with the county is quickly approaching.
Cuyahoga County
In Cuyahoga County, the deadline is 11:59 p.m. March 31.
You can file a complaint online (recommended), via email at borinfo@cuyahogacounty.gov (complaint must be notarized), by fax to 216-443-8282 (complaint must be notarized), by mail (complaint must be notarized) or in person.
If mailing the complaint, it must be received on or before March 31 or have a U.S. Postal Service postmark of March 31 or earlier. The address is:
Cuyahoga County Board of Revision 2079
East 9th Street, Ste. 2-100,
Cleveland, OH 44115
There was an information session held on March 26 and another set for 6-8 p.m. March 27 at the Lyndhurst Community Center, located at 1341 Parkview Drive in Lyndhurst.
Franklin County
The Franklin County Board of Revision also has a March 31 deadline for property value challenges.
You can submit a complaint online, by emailing a completing DTE-1 form to bor@franklincountyohio.gov, by faxing a completed DTE-1 form to 614-525-6252, in person or by mail (postmarked by March 31).
If mailing, use this address: 373 S. High St., 20th Fl, Columbus, OH 43215.
If submitting in person, you will go to the same address to the Board of Revision Counter, located on the 20th floor.
A mobile filing event will be held at the Auditor’s office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 31 to provide assistance in filing a complaint. This will be at the Franklin County Courthouse Auditorium, located at 373 S. High St. in Columbus.
“The Board of Revision handles complaints on the Auditor's appraised value of a property and can adjust the value based on presented evidence,” reads a press release from the Auditor’s office. “The Board of Revision is a three-party panel, consisting of representatives from the Auditor’s office, the county Treasurer’s office and the Board of Commissioners. The BOR holds hearings where property owners can present evidence as to why they feel their property value should be adjusted.”
Hamilton County
Hamilton County’s Board of Revision also has a deadline of March 31.
You cannot send your complaint electronically. You must mail, fax or deliver your complaint in person. The forms are available here.
If mailed, it must be post-marked by March 31.
The Auditor’s office address is 138 E. Court St., Cincinnati, OH, 45202.
“Any owner of property in Hamilton County may contest a property value by filing a complaint with the Hamilton County Board of Revision,” the auditor’s website reads. “Board decisions are based on property values NOT tax dollars.”
Montgomery County
Those looking to appeal their valuation in Montgomery County must do so by March 31.
You can submit your complaint here.
The Auditor’s website states that residents “must indicate their desired value and briefly state their rationale for the change.” Hearings will take place through Zoom video conferencing or phone.
A decision will be made within 90 days of this hearing and can then be appealed within 30 days.
Lucas County
Those in Lucas County have until March 31 to challenge their property valuation.
You can file a complaint here, by email at AuditorBOR@co.lucas.oh.us or by mail.
If mailing your complaint, it must be notarized and post-marked by March 31 and sent to the following address:
Lucas County Auditor
Attn: Board of Revision
One Government Center
Suite 670
Toledo, OH 43604-2255
There will also be a community outreach event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 29 at the Toledo Glass City Center.