ORLANDO, Fla. — In recognition of Women’s History Month in March, Spectrum News 13 talked with Linda Chapin, who led Central Florida in many capacities for several years, including two terms as Orange County mayor.
Chapin still sits on several boards in Central Florida and stays active in what’s happening across the area. But more time out of the spotlight these days allows her to enjoy time at home, including working in her rose garden and playing piano.
“It’s relaxing, but it is also important to keep up certain skills that you’ve acquired in your life,” said Chapin.
At one time, Chapin led Orange County while also raising four children.
“We didn’t know we were living in history,” said Chapin. “We didn’t know we were going to be looked back on 25 years later.”
Chapin was one of several women who assumed prominent leadership positions in Central Florida in the 80s and 90s, first as chair of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority before serving the two terms as Orange County mayor, from 1990 to 1998.
In fact, she was the first mayor of the county.
“Sometimes we call it the Golden Age because I was the mayor of Orange County, Glenda Hood was mayor at the City of Orlando, Toni Jennings was president of the Senate,” said Chapin.
Chapin says women had less room for error than men.
“There was always a debate — ‘Is she tough enough for the job?’ And then if you turned out to be very business-like about things they’d say, ‘Oh she’s not acting very feminine — she’s too tough,’” said Chapin.
But she says it did not take long to prove women were qualified and ready for leadership positions.
“We proved that the conversations and the debate is different when there’s a woman at the table, because we have come from different backgrounds and we’ve had different experiences,” said Chapin.
Chapin oversaw the building of a new county courthouse, the expansion of the Orange County Convention Center, and the creation of the West Orange Trail. Part of that trail — Chapin Station — is named after her.
And she led a vision for Central Florida’s future.
“We wanted a new performing arts center, we wanted a children’s hospital — now we have three children’s hospitals — and we dreamed of a professional sports team,” said Chapin.
Chapin says her and other women’s leadership helped blaze a trail for many women now in leadership positions across the area.
“We had to prove, not just ourselves, but we had to prove for their opportunities,” said Chapin.
And while women she helped pave the way for have now taken the reins of leadership, Chapin says she’ll never stop advocating for them.
“We must train our young women that those battles are not all won,” said Chapin.