DALLAS — Professional cheerleading is hard work, oftentimes undervalued and underestimated. A Dallas Cowboys cheerleader is opening up about her passion to showcase that cheerleading is “more than what meets the eye.”

Kristin Dodd is preparing to audition for her third season of being a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. She’s grateful for the time she’s already spent on the team. 

“I auditioned three times before I finally made the team. It was such a huge blessing and one of the greatest achievements of my life," she said.  

While professional cheerleading looks like it’s all glitz and glam, Dodd wants people to know it’s not as easy as it seems. With a requirement to have a full-time job or be in school, it’s hard work. The girls put in hours of practice every week day during fooball season. Dodd finds many don’t actually understand how much work goes into professional cheerleading.

If Dodd isn’t fulfilling her role as an ambassador of the Dallas Cowboys, she’s working in Bible translation — a profession that stemmed from her passion to serve. 

"Bible translation as movement is working to translate the Bible in every single language so that people can connect with the Bible in a language that is near and dear to their heart so that they can actually connect with the Lord,” Dodd said. 

Growing up in a Bible-teaching school, Dodd fell in love with the Lord at a young age. She went to University of New Mexico to study sign language with a minor in Spanish. 

"So that’s where my work focus is,” Dodd says, “ … building a tool that will help speed up sign language translation to take if from the traditional 25 years to create scripture down to about six years."

Working in ministry as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader has come with hesitancy from outside parties who lack the knowledge of what the uniform truly represents. 

“I get a lot of questions like, 'Why do you wear that uniform?’ ‘You make men have impure thoughts.' Or, ‘What does your father think about you wearing that outfit?’ And it can be really frustrating that I constantly have to explain myself and defend my faith and show that my morals and values are pure. I think that when people get to know me and understand my heart, understand my intentions and my passions that they finally get to see this clear picture of ‘Oh, I understand now.'”  

Dodd says being able to wear an iconic uniform has given her a platform to spread the word of God in a way that she never could before.

“We are out in the community. We do a lot of work with military, with veterans, with children’s hospitals. We are constantly giving opportunities to not only connect with fans of the Dallas Cowboys but people within our community,” Dodd said. "It gives me the opportunity to talk about things that I’m really passionate about, like Bible translation, and sign languages and the deaf community.”

Dodd spreads her faith. (Photo Credit: Kristen Dodd)

Dodd's situation is not unique, which is why she created her community, Made to Move.

“The goal is to change the perception people have about professional cheerleaders,” Dodd said. 

Since Dodd has been on the team, she’s had articles written about her job and faith, has been able to be a part of Bible studies, formed by members of the team, and has been a light to the community around her. 

"That’s my goal for Made to Move, I want a place for women to be able to have that community where they feel understood," she said.  

Dodd has high hopes as she heads to audition for her third year. She can’t wait to shed a light on professional cheerleading and make the word of God available to as many as she can.

Are you interested in being an ambassador for the Dallas Cowboys? Online submissions for auditions are available on the MINDBODY app. Details for both can be found at dallascowboyscheerleaders.com.