DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - Angelenos are using a rage room space to battle their emotions.

Peter Wolf and Edwin Torivio have co-owned Rage Ground in Downtown Los Angeles for two years. In the space they've created, visitors are free to throw speakers, break bottles, and battle emotions lingering from tough situations.

“We’ve had ranging from people who’ve just gotten a divorce to people who’ve had a drug addiction or they’ve been sexually abused,’ Torivio said.

“We’ve been an outlet for these type of people to kind of just release that anger in a safe environment where they won’t be injured or they won’t be categorized because they let out the rage or emotions within them.”

Rage Ground is by no means a replacement for therapy. But anecdotally people say it can help provide an immediate release of emotion. 

The room is open by appointment only, and is pricey at $60 dollars for 15 minutes. But for some people, it works.

“For some people yoga works and therapy works, but sometimes you need a different outlet to reach a different layer of yourself and let those emotions out in a very visceral way,’ Wolf said.

The owners plan to open a second location in Orange County within the next few months.