On Monday, the Mars InSight Lander touched down on the Red Planet. But seconds later, all eyes were on two red-shirted scientists leaping up from behind a bank of control desks and imparting on what has now become one of the most viral handshakes of the year.
"We wanted it to be quick and we had no idea that camera woman would be right there or that would be the shot that was chosen," said Brooke Harper, a NASA JPL EDL Systerms Engineer attached to the InSight project.
"We had no idea if it would be caught on camera or not," added Gene Bonfiglio, also a NASA JPL EDL Systems Manager, and the other half of the duo whose handshake went internet famous in the aftermath of the successful Mars InSight landing.
The duo has worked together on the Entry, Descent and Landing team for the past four years. They've become science friends . . . and sports rivals.
"We banter a lot about football and most of the time it's myself and Gene giving each other a hard time about, he's a huge Patriots fan and I'm a huge Chiefs fan.
The two decided weeks ago to celebrate the Mars landing with a touchdown dance, based on one Gene and his family saw in late September. Leading up to the landing, they practiced their handshake five minutes a day.
"We had to break down the film to see exactly what they were doing. They were so fast that we had to watch it in slow motion," said Bonfiglio.
It was an unforgettable celebration, befitting of an unforgettable moment.
"The word I keep using to describe it is surreal. I mean your heart is pounding," said Harper.
Their hard work is done now that the InSight has landed. But some questions may not be resolved so easily, like what the best football team is.
"Chiefs," says Harper.
"Patriots," replies Bonfiglio.