We all love hugging.
Just ask any tree. They never complain. As it turns out, it’s actually quite an important part of being a human. Who knew?
So let’s get virtual and hug it out on the history of hugs.
Five things you need to know:
- Hugging most likely started as a way of sharing body warmth, but watch any tiny kid during the pandemic and you’ll know it’s hard-wired to our soul. Babies reach out from the cradle.
- The word "hug" is believed to come from the ancient Scandinavian word “hugga” meaning "hippy," — actually, it means “to comfort.”
- Hugging involves both hands, so it’s likely it was a way to prove friendship because you can’t stab someone with a sword while doing it. It’s ingrained in our culture. It’s deep.
- Research shows that babies wither without hugs from their mothers and that holding and touching reduces anxiety, improves sleep and helps us empathize with others as we grow up.
- Hugging reduces blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone) and heart beats, while also increasing the happy hormone oxytocin, which helps us to bond with others — which might explain why some people give out free hugs. Oxytocin also makes us more resistant to fatigue, infections, depression, pain and cravings, while increasing our patience with a frustrating world.
So, when you’re vaccinated or you’re clear of COVID-19, make sure you hug properly and longer — more than 20 seconds to release the oxytocin. And now, with all this science behind it, I can see why a hug per day should be in everyone’s prescription.