The groundbreaking documentary Life in a Day 2020 is back after a decade-long break to show what the world looks like during a pandemic, Black lives matters protests, and many other things that occured on July 25, 2020.
Five Things You Need to Know:
- The crowd-sourced documentary is shot by average people telling the stories of their days on July 25, 2020. The film is a sequel to the 2011 version of Life in a Day. Like its predecessor, it comprises a wide array of selected video clips showing things happening in the world on that one day.
- The announcement of the film was published on the movie's YouTube channel on July 8, 2020, right in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the George Floyd protests, and numerous natural disasters.
- Director Kevin McDonald's previous feature films include The Last King of Scotland, State of Play, The Eagle, How I Live Now, Black Sea, and The Mauritanian. His documentaries include One Day in September, Being Mick, Touching the Void, My Enemy's Enemy, Life in a Day 2011, Marley, Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang, and Whitney.
- About the new doc, McDonald said; "It’s got a realism that the first one didn’t have, it’s got an acknowledgment, yes life is tough, mortality is our lot, but along the way there is so much glory, so many consolations, so many things to give us joy. It’s a macro snapshot and it shows you not your little problems, it’s the world and what the world is feeling at a particular moment. You're taking a pulse of the globe."
- McDonald adds; "The themes that come across are things that people realize, that life is a vale of tears, that there is loss and unhappiness, but choosing to grasp it and enjoy it.