LOS ANGELES, CA – Stephan Islas is admiring a new golf club he was been given by a fellow member of Vets Whole in One.

  • Vets Whole in One combining golf and meditation
  • Helping veterans transition into civilian life
  • Average of 20 vets commit suicide a day

Islas makes an impact not-only as a board member of the non-profit, but also as their meditation teacher.   

“Come back into the room and have an amazing game of golf today,” said Islas.

Vets Whole in One helps veterans transition to civilian life and according the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, on average 20 vets commit suicide a day. The non-profit’s mission is to save one life through the teachings of mindfulness meditation and golf.

Islas is all too familiar with veterans contemplating suicide, because he came close to ending his own life. He is a Vietnam veteran and served in the Navy. He says combat veterans tend to be isolated and have a hard time reentering society.

“When I came home everyone wanted me to be Stephan. And I could do that for about a half hour and then the cracks would start showing and what I’d do is I’d close up and disappear,” said Islas.

What saved Islas was meditation and now his life’s work is to give that back to others.

Denver Morris served in the Marines and was also suicidal when he came back after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Meditation was tough at first because he didn’t trust it or the people around him to close his eyes.

Now through getting to know everyone by coming to these monthly events meditation has helped him learn to trust.

“At first I couldn’t trust it, but now I can actually trust everyone to close my eyes and really just feel it now,” said Morris.

The veterans’ newly found trust helps them build friendship and a community with one another. Meditation is also helping them to open up, and communicate better with those they love.

“The mindfulness, learning that the way through this is to allow somebody to know you and see you has had such an impact on these veterans,” said Islas.

Together through golf and mindfulness Vets Whole In One gives these veterans a way to feel whole again.