We all know that the pandemic might be putting a damper on your plans for the holidays; however, we have a list that will help rejuvenate the spirit of the season, even while safely social distancing.

In fact, you might discover some activities you might not have done in the past.

It is all part of The SoCal Scene's "Holiday Activity Advent Calendar": one thing to do each day of the 25 days of Christmas, or if you are feeling adventurous, do them all at once!

Let us begin with No. 25!

25. Holiday Cookies

Bake your favorite holiday cookies with some festive favorites you and quarantining family and friends will enjoy. 

24. Holiday Beverages

To accompany your holiday baking, make sure to make a holiday drink, such as egg nog, or mint cocoa, or spice it up a bit, and make it a cozy holiday cocktail. Recepies for mocktails.

23. Festive Meals

You can also cook an amazing festive meal to enjoy with your holiday beverages.

22. Enjoy Outdoors

The average temperature in Los Angeles in December is 68 degrees, making it a great time to safely get outside and enjoy some nature with a mask and a light jacket to burn off those baking and holiday cocktail calories. Here are some of my favorite 50 trails I love around Southern California at any time of year.

21. Homemade Ornaments

Back home, make your own homemade ornaments. All you need is some flour, salt, and water along with some creativity! Then, finish by making paper snowflakes for your windows.

Watch how to make ornaments on YouTube. Read how to make salt dough ornaments.

20. Donate

Instead of buying gifts, try gift-wrapping some goodwill and consider donating to worthy causes. Whether it is Toys for Toys, Make-A-Wish, or whatever charity is close to your heart. This is the time many of those who are overlooked have the greatest need for a special gift of donation. Here is a list of charities that help children at Christmas.

19. Track Santa

You can still track Santa on the NORAD website all December as he still gets to work with his reindeer, and wearing a mask of course.

18. Countdown to 2021

While you’re online, if you can’t say goodbye to 2020 quick enough, visit the official countdown clock to 2021!

17. Holiday Celebrations

Learn more about multicultural holiday celebrations including Kwanzaa, Festivus, and the celebration of Winter Solstice which officially begins on December 21. Learn about nine multicultural holiday celebrations.

16. Menorah Lighting

Hanukkah begins December 10, and you can safely see nightly Menorah lightings around town, including at the Third Street Promenade and the Santa Monica Pier. 

15. Holiday Lights

Drive to see the best Holiday Lights around your neighborhood and the Southland, including all the Candy Cane Lanes in El Segundo, Torrance, and Woodland Hills. Remember — The Elvins will be back again on Spectrum News 1 to do a whole holiday TV special on the lights too! 

14. Drive-Thru Holiday

2020 has been the year of the drive-thru, and not just for watching movies. Locally in Southern California, there are plenty of holiday-themed drive-thrus to safely visit from the comfort of your car. Even Dodger Stadium and some of your favorite theme parks such as Knott’s Berry Farm and Magic Mountain have reopened their parking lots for you to enjoy. 

Keep watching The SoCal Scene all December for more features on holiday drive-thru’s as well! 

13. Holiday Zoom

One thing we’ve learned this year is how to master Zoom for work. Now is perfect time to arrange a fun meeting or even a dinner with friends or family members. 

12. Virtual Karaoke

To step it up a notch how about trying virtual karaoke online. Go to our app or website, where we will link you to a step-by-step guide, including picking your favorite songs to sing.

With many of your office holiday parties also being canceled or amended, this might be a fun activity to bring up to your boss at work for a virtual company party.

11. Conversation Starter

Do you need any more ideas for your Zoom get-together if you do not want to sing? A card kit helps you with conversation starters, and you might learn a few new things about your friends and family you did not know before.


10. Game Night

Make it a true game night instead. There are some fun brand-new pandemic-proof games that were just released that you can play in person or virtually that cover every topic from trivia games for Baby Boomers to MTV: Music Television lovers to wine connoisseurs.    

My favorite? The card memory game “Do you Look like your cat??” 

9. Santa Club

Unfortunately, the kids won’t be able to see Santa in person this season, but even old Saint Nick is going virtual. There are sites such as Santa Club where you can book a video conversation - and convince Santa over the phone whether you are naughty or nice. 

8. Holiday Cards

After talking to Santa, kids can spread some kindness to others by creating holiday cards and mailing them to a senior citizen center. 

7. Holiday Puzzle

And revisit a favorite pastime without needing your electric device by completing a holiday puzzle.

6. Holiday Plays

Release your inner thespian by acting out The Nutcracker or ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at home! 

5. Holiday Movies

Coming it at number five is to watch at least five of your favorite holiday movies. Here are some of mine: Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, Elf, and some vintage films, White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life, and of course Die Hard. That is a Christmas movie, right? 

4. Holiday TV

Do not forget the timeless holiday TV classics: Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman!

3. Holiday Playlist

Whether it’s Mariah Carey or Bruce Springsteen, make your own Christmas playlist on your favorite streaming platform or device.

2. Deck the Halls

While rocking out to holiday tunes be as festive as possible and decorate around the house since you’ll be home more to experience it!

1. Happy Holidays!

Finally yet importantly, please enjoy the holidays as best and safely as you can while also knowing that 2021 is just around the corner. 

Happy holidays, everyone!