EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — KBLA 1580 radio host Dominique DiPrima joins “Your Morning” to discuss the civil unrest that broke out 30 years ago after a jury acquitted four LAPD officers in the videotaped beating of motorist Rodney King.  

Outrage over the verdict ignited a national conversation about racial and economic injustice and police use of force that continues today.

DiPrima shared her opinion on what has changed since that fateful day and what progress can still be made.  

“I think we forget how much progress has been made, and I do think it’s important to remember that when we’ve gone through so much,” DiPrima said.

Courtesy KBLA TALK 1580

DiPrima said she believes the police should not be involved in politics.

“They shouldn’t be putting money in racism, they shouldn’t be lobbying politicians because they’re supposed to be protecting all of us,” she said.

There is still change that DiPrima said our country is seeing but mostly on the local level.

“Cities, counties and states are taking action and that’s where my optimism comes from our deadlock federal government,” she said.

DiPrima will broadcast live from the flash point of the protests at 6 a.m. on Friday.

For more information or to stream KBLA’s live broadcast, visit kbla1580.com or download the KBLA app.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly referred to the civil unrest timeline. The error has been corrected. (April 28, 2022)