HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — The Huntington Beach City Council is moving forward with a new ordinance that would limit access to certain books in the city.

The new restrictions target books that the council believes are sexualizing children.

A new council approved board of community members will have the final say on whether or not books are allowed in the city’s public libraries.

The ordinance has drawn up much controversy in the beach community, with residents packing council meetings to voice their opinions.

Opponents of the restrictions argue that the new ordinance is a book ban.

Lindsay Klick, librarian and mother of two, noted that she’s conducted thousands of storytimes with kids and does not view books as a threat to children.

“It’s just so strange to see the disconnect between my everyday life and people who don’t seem like they go to the library,” she said.

Klick explained how as a parent, she felt insulted by the idea that the government would get to choose what books her kids can read.

Huntington Beach Mayor Pro Tem Gracey Van Der Mark does not see the situation the same way. She says the new ordinance will help bring the values of the city to the libraries.

“Some books just are just not a good fit for our community,” Van Der Mark said.

The next step for the council is to determine who will sit on the community board that will decide the fate of books.

Until then, vocal opponents of the restrictions, like Klick, will continue to speak out.