WASHINGTON (SPECTRUM NEWS) — Just five years after the rainbow flag waved in victory over the Supreme Court’s decision to extend marriage to same-sex couples, the court handed down another historic ruling that protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination.

“On a person level, it was just a joyous moment to see a very strong 6-3 decision saying the civil rights law covers people in the LGBTQ community in employment settings,” said Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin.

Sen. Baldwin, the first openly gay member of Congress, says it’s a big win but the battle isn’t over yet.

During a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday, she called out the White House for not moving to expand federal protections for the community.

Pres. Donald Trump also recently rolling back health care and insurance protections for members of the transgender community that were set under the Obama administration.  

“While I would expect that any administration would now take a long, hard look at its wrongheaded efforts based on the legal arguments that the Supreme Court has just rejected to write LGBTQ people out of sex discrimination protections in education healthcare and other areas, I do not have confidence that this administration will do so,” said Sen. Baldwin during her floor speech.

When asked about the ruling, Pres. Trump appeared to be unbothered by it.

“I’ve read the decision and some people was surprised but they’ve ruled and we live with their decision,” said Trump. “That’s what it’s all about.”

Baldwin is now looking to follow the House’s lead.

She wants the Senate to take up the Equality Act for a vote.

It’s a bill that would extend LGBTQ protections against discrimination well beyond the workplace.

The challenge is getting the Senate Majority Leader on board.

“It would be a great day if we could persuade Mitch McConnell to allow us to pass the legislation based on the strong decision in the employment setting by the supreme court,” said Baldwin.​