LAS VEGAS – Ruben Rodriguez is packing a box full of key items that precinct captains like himself will use for Tom Steyer's campaign at his assigned location for the Nevada Caucus.

"The first thing we'll do is identify people that are Tom supporters, get everybody together. Mobilize, get to know each other. It's going to be a good 45 minutes so we'll all become friends," said Rodriguez.

It is his first caucus ever. He is from Woodland Hills and moved to Las Vegas just a few weeks ago.

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Rodriguez has his eye on the prize having enough voters at his precinct in Tom Steyer's presidential preference group to be considered viable. If viable delegates will be awarded, which Steyer needs due to his count after Iowa and New Hampshire sits at zero.

"Nevada has the most important role right now in the United States because we're the first diverse state to vote and so this vote is really important because it's going to have important influence on how the nation is going to vote later on for other candidates," said Rodriguez.

Like California, which is also diverse like Nevada, the state will be a big play-maker in who is chosen as the democratic nominee on Super Tuesday.

Rodriguez was hired by the Steyer campaign to be a Nevada Community Organizer. He supports Steyer because he feels he represents many of the same values that matter to minority groups.

"He's also highlighting what's going on at the border in Mexico and treating these people as humans as opposed to illegal aliens as the current administration likes to call them," said Rodriguez.

So on the eve of the caucus, he is to going door-to-door to meet with voters.

“Are you a Tom supporter," said Rodriguez.

"I am, I'm still a little on the fence but he's definitely one of the stronger candidates," said a voter.

"Can I ask you personally why you like Tom Steyer," said Rodriguez.

"I don't know he's just different," said the voter.

From our time knocking on a handful of doors, some who Rodriguez spoke with did seem to like Steyer, but many didn't vote early which means if they want a say in a candidate they will have to show up to caucus. Rodriguez hopes to see many Tom Steyer supporters at his precinct.

"I feel absolutely grateful to hold that position and be able to represent my community here in Las Vegas as a precinct captain," said Rodriguez.

Because what happens in Vegas won't stay in Vegas or the rest of the state. Nevada's Caucus momentum will make its way to California on Super Tuesday.