LOS ANGELES — There are two things Mandoh Melendez said he is passionate about: being a wardrobe stylist for celebrities like Frankie Grande and trying out new foods.

However, some food wouldn’t sit well with his body.

“Random things I eat will make my stomach hurt. That’s always been a concern of mine of, ‘What am I intaking and what can I change so that I don’t have those issues?’” he said.

After some research and hearing from a few friends about intermittent fasting — where people only eat between an eight to 12-hour window — he tried it.

After two years of creating a regimen that works for him, Melendez said he feels a difference.

“It changes the way I think,” he said. “I’m cutting out a meal, so when I get to eating, you know, it feels like an accomplishment.”

Intermittent fasting is gaining in popularity from people looking to lose weight or to take better care of their health. 

But does it work?

Satchin Panda, a professor and researcher with the Salk Institute, has been studying the eating trend. The institute’s latest research in mice found that eating this way could reprogram some of our genes leading to a range of health benefits — including managing diseases.

“When we eat within eight to 10 hours, we become the master conductors of our genes. Our daily habits actually tell the right gene to turn on at the right time, break down fat, manage glucose or manage our blood pressure. And also, help us to go through overnight sleep and recovery,” said Panda.

However, she said, it is not for everyone. Panda said it is important to check with a doctor if you have any medical conditions before changing a diet.

The findings came as a welcome surprise for Melendez.

“That would be amazing because it would stop a lot of familial diseases that I have. So, I’m excited if that’s what’s happening, and that’s what is changing and growing inside of me,” he said.