COSTA MESA, Calif. – Ever since picking up a paint brush at 3 years old, Skeith De Wine was destined to be an artist. Now, as an adult, he feels that it is his destiny to bring more art to Costa Mesa.

“Costa Mesa has always had a grass roots arts scene,” said De Wine.

However, it’s not the kind of art you might be thinking of.

“My goal is to bring visual artists and have them interact with other companies and businesses that are doing transformative technologies,” De Wine said.

He spends his days in his studio, he calls the California Leonardo da Vinci Institute of Discovery. While Costa Mesa is known as the “City of the Arts,” many people associate it with the performing arts. De Wine says there is a large number of artists in town.

“We go out in the field and observe nature and do drawings from nature and think about what types of technologies and designs we can create from nature,” De Wine said.

For now, he is set on studying the nature of this town – and preparing for a TED Talk he wants to give someday. It is all a part of his goal to someday grow the town he loves into having a global art footprint. Starting with getting his real estate license to try and bring more artists into studios.

“Bringing forth really exciting urban city and planning design. We use nature as the platform, and then we come in and think about how we can make Southern California as exciting around architecture as Singapore,” De Wine said.

He is putting a spotlight on the city he loves, and one he says the world will someday notice too.